Sunday, July 14, 2013

Final preparation for straw bales

At the end of June, while "Clay and Straw" finished a project in Central Texas, we added the inside 2x4's to make the "toe-up" for the bales to sit on, built  the stairs on the south side of the house and a ramp on the north side, to move plaster up onto the porch.  Pea gravel was delivered for the toe-up, an electrician and plumber were hired and Altumaxis, my solar panel provider, was notified the metal roof would be going on in mid-July. 

Boric acid to kill bugs
Pea gravel, acts like a french drain               
Roofing felt, another layer of moisture prevention

Nails to key bales to

Roof Sheathing Goes On (6/5/13 - 6/10/13)

Plywood starts 6/5/13



Spaces really start to be defined

Loft and cupola

Plywood complete 6/6/13

Underlayment goes on

Finally a roof!  Bales are next!  Yea!!